VMware Workstation 12 is fastest,easiest and more reliable for new operating system.it has more new exclusive features that are best for us.it is very fast than other versions.it works very quick.it is the full version with a key you can download it and you can enjoy it for batter results.you can use.you can use Window,Ubuntu,Iso operating systems in it.it is the advance for all versions VMware Workstation 11,10,9,8 and other.
VMware Workstation 12 Features:
5.After click on 'Next' button you see this screen...
VMware Workstation 12 Features:
- Enhance Connectivity.
- Supported for Latest version.
- Build virtual Network.
- Build for Microsoft window 10 and other.
- Create a powerful Virtual Machines.
- Easy to Use and Work fast.
- It has creative display.
- It supports advanced graphics.
- Support multi-operating system.
VMware workstation 12 is very easy for use and installation process is very easy.for download this software just follow these steps.
Download steps:
- Click on download button which gives bellow.
- After click on download button open a new tab.
- Here you see a time for 3 to 5 sec after this time click on skip ad.
- After click on skip ad, you see a new tab.
- Here you see a download button just click on download button.
- After click on download button you can download button you can download this software.
- Now download process is done.
- First of all extract download file with any software.
- After extract download file you see a two file first is Software and second is key.
- Double click on software for install it.
- After click on software it take a some time and after that you see a this screen.
5.After click on 'Next' button you see this screen...
first check the box as show in picture and then click on 'Next' button.
6.After this step you see a new screen you can see in pic3
click on 'Next' button.
7.After this step you see a new screen as see in pic4
click on 'NEXT' button once again.
8.Again click on 'NEXT' button which show in pic5
9.Now click on 'Install' button.
this step take some time.
10.When process is complete click on Finish button.that is last step of installation.
Last Step:
this is last step in this step you need to enter product key.
Enter this key for full version
Enter key and click on continue.
After click on continue click on Finish button which is last step.
Now you Install this software successfully you see this Screen of software after installation.
Conversion Conversion Emoticon Emoticon